Call for Papers

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Important deadlines:

* Abstract submission July 30th 2016 > postponed to August 26th, 2016
* Early Registration discount July 15th 2016postponed to August 26th, 2016


Presentations (oral or poster formats) may address any aspect of unstructured-mesh modeling of coastal, shelf, and global systems. In 2016, we especially encourage submissions addressing:

  • next-generation multi-scale models, from unstructured to structured (and intermediate) approaches, including nesting
  • vertical coordinates and optimal horizontal/vertical grid design
  • modelling of the continental to ocean continuum

However, we welcome a broad scope of presentations, ranging from unstructured-mesh model applications and inter-comparison to advances in finite volume or finite element discretization, high-order schemes, pre-conditioners, solvers, distributed computing, mesh generators, adaptive modeling, data assimilation, coupling across physical, sediment and biogeochemical models, etc. We also welcome contributions providing objective comparisons between structured and unstructured-mesh models and more generally describing numerical benchmarks.

Before submitting an abstract please register for the workshop and click on the activation link you received in your mailbox. Next, click on 'Abstract Submission'  on the top menu to complete the form. 

Once registered, don't forget to submit registration fees before July 15th (postponed to August 26th, 2016) to obtain the early registration discount. After that date, all fees will increase from 250 euros (students 150 euros) to 300 euros.



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